Time is the canvas of music.
Framed by space it fills.
xyzt is SpaceTime.
Digital music production using analogue instruments such as guitar is cumbersome.
xyzt unleashes musicians from computer and grids.
Capture flow true to its way.
Flow, technology and musical landscape
This project is focused on people who plays analogue instrument such as guitar, keyboard, trumpet and drums etc.
Experiencing "flow" is the most rewarding part of playing music. It occurs when we immerse ourselves into activities such as sports, writing and painting, arguably anything that ticks a mind. During my research, I have found that there is a lack of a tool that effectively captures the flow for analogue instrumentalists.
Today we live in a world where musical equipments are widely accessible to musicians in abundance as well as in variety. However the majority are centred around DAW - computer programs that are made for editing and engineering audio input.
DAW have relatively high learning curve and it is an obstacle for many analogue musicians to capture their most magical moments. It hurts in a way that many talented artists have not being able to capture their performance and compositions, because they have not resonated with intrinsic or associated aesthetics of those equipments.
In the realms such as electronic or hiphop music, the musical style is ingrained with technological innovation. Instruments such as 808 drum machine, Moog synthesiser and AKAI MPC sampler has had great impact shaping the music we hear today.
"xyzt" is designed to open up a new perspective for traditional instrument players as a production tool with an appropriate style and the right feel.
In short, I needed to make DAW, audio interface and MIDI controller "cool".
Digital: DAW, audio interface, midi controller, drum machine, smapler.
Analogue: tape recorder, synthesiser, pedals, amps, microphone.
Novelty: Teenage Engineering, Theory Board, Line 6, Fractal Audio, Kemper
Associated space: on-the-go, home studio, professional studio
Chromatic Keyboard
Janko Keyboard
Janko keyboard resembles drum pads, however there is no widely used modern rendition of such innovative design. It is highly ergonomic and its layout make music-theoretical sense.
Lippens Keyboard
Lippens keyboard, similar to Janko keyboard, is designed based to on chromatic layout.
Redesigning musical keyboard is argued by some akin to promoting computer keyboard configuration other than QWERTY layout. Sure, it is designed to be more ergonomic, but the cost and risk of implementing such novelty far out weighs the benefits or the social